
I live with my mom and dad. I also have one sister and 3 dogs. My moms name is Demian and my dads name is Niel and my sisters name is Claire. My dogs names are Coco, Victor, and Henry. Some activities we do as a family is watch T.V. On weekends we all sit around the table and read an article from the paper to each other. Some things about my dogs are Coco is a pure apple head chihuahua with a breathing problem in her esophagus. Victor is a terrier and chihuahua mix and was a stray we got from wiggly tails who was 1 1/4 pounds. His hair was ratted and lost a lot of it. Now he’s weighs 11 pounds ands is the purest dog I’ve ever seen. Henry he’s something he’s also a stray, he has 3 legs and was a wiggly tails rescue. I don’t know how he lost his leg but it’s not there. Dora Nyiro Photography via CompfightIzé, a csivinátor :)

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